How many different types of honey have you tried?
Not ONLY Supermarket Honey, I Hope!
If you’ve only experienced the bottled honey that is usually sold in supermarkets or offered in restaurants, then you’re missing out on the best products of the hive.
If you’ve never eaten honey in the comb, for example, you’ve never experienced honey at its absolute best.
No matter how much care a beekeeper may put into harvesting and processing honey, there’s just no way that bottled honey can quite match the freshness and flavor of comb honey.
After all, when you bite into a piece of comb honey, you are releasing the honey for the first time from the cell in which the bees sealed it away from the atmosphere.
You get the full, undiluted intensity of the flavor, and the full effect of the fragile and volatile aromatic compounds of the honey.
And you get the honey EXACTLY as the bees made it; nothing added and nothing taken away.
Comb honey can be produced as either section honey or cut comb honey.
Honey Doesn’t Have to be Runny…
If you don’t like your honey runny, try creamed honey. It’s less muss and fuss, but still awfully good stuff!
If you’ve ever had liquid honey turn solid (sometimes called “gone to sugar”), that happened through a process of crystallization, which is the basis for how creamed honey is made.
Jar of raw honey
And now there’s even a new non-drip, non-stick, non-mess form of honey called honey drops.
Honey drops offer all of the health and nutrition advantages of 100% pure honey, but without the drippy, sticky disadvantages.
Why Not Broaden Your Honey Horizons?
As a consumer, consider broadening your honey horizons by trying some of these different types of honey.
And if you’re a beekeeper, or considering becoming one, you can add a considerable amount of variety and challenge (and sales!) to your hobby by producing some of these alternatives to bottled honey.