
certified organic beeswax

Certified Organic Beeswax Can Provide a Margin of Comfort

If you’re concerned about the possibility of pesticide residues in the beeswax you use (and you should be!), certified organic beeswax can provide a margin of comfort. There are many sources of ‘organic’ beeswax. And I’m sure that most retailers that sell ‘organic’ beeswax are selling a product that was produced conscientiously and with the

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bee dance

The Bee Dance

The Bee Dance by Chris When my brother decided he wanted to add a beekeeping badge to his medley of Boy Scout merit badges, a local beekeeper helped him start a beehive. His beekeeping training was off to a good start, and the rest of the family thought it interesting that we had a beehive

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small hive beetle

Small Hive Beetle

The small hive beetle is a honey bee pest that is relatively recent to North America. The hive beetle originates in South Africa, where it is not a major problem because the aggressive African bees keep it in check. But the bees of European ancestry that predominate in the Americas are not well equipped for dealing with

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