
Where to Buy Beeswax? Here’s What I Recommend…

Thanks to the internet, it’s easier than ever to buy beeswax. With just a few clicks of your mouse, you can have beeswax delivered right to your door same day, next day or in a couple of days often with free shipping on your items.

But first you’ll need to decide what type of beeswax you need. If you already know what type then just click the type you are looking for:

Where To Buy Beeswax Online

buying beeswax

I love when people go to beekeepers and buy directly from them. But not everyone has that opportunity.

And these days, purchasing online is the preferred method of shopping for more and more people. After all, shopping online is quick and easy.

And if you buy from the right source, you can be assured of getting a quality product.

So where’s the best place to shop for beeswax online? Well, lots of places sell beeswax.

Where to Get It From A Beekeeper Directly

support beekeepers

If you are looking to support a beekeeper directly without Amazon taking a cut out of their business then you should buy from Sperry Beeswax.

They have free shipping on all orders, they only ships to the USA.

This is a family run business by a husband and wife (Mark and Becca).

Family Owned Since 1920

Their family has been beekeeping since 1920s, Mark bought the business off his dad in 1993. They do all the work themselves and all their beeswax comes from their own bees. They stand behind their products and offer great customer service.

bee wax

Each block of wax is carefully filtered and cleaned by Becca herself so you are guaranteed to get the best beeswax. It’s 100% raw beeswax with no additives (fillers or oils). You can buy blocks. They come in all sizes ranging from 3 lbs all the way up to 60lbs.

Unfortunately like most beekeepers they only sell in blocks so if you are looking to get pellets, sheets or bars Amazon is probably best for that.

Amazon Sells It All

But I know of only one site that sells EVERY type: go to Amazon to shop for beeswax.

What does not sell? Well, it isn’t beeswax! The world’s most trusted online retailer offers quite a variety of beeswax for sale.

In fact, they have it available in every form in which beeswax is sold: blocks, bars, pellets and sheets. (Click on the link to see some of Amazon’s most popular offerings in beeswax.)

More Info About the Different Types of Beeswax

As I noted above, you can find every form of beeswax at Amazon. But you might be thinking: “Which form of beeswax do I need?”

Well, it really depends upon how you’ll be using your bees wax, and how much you’ll be using…

Beeswax Blocks

buy Stakich Yellow Beeswax Blocks

Do you use beeswax in ways that require lots of it? Making candles using molds, for instance?

Then buying beeswax blocks will likely be the most cost-efficient for you.

Just be aware that if you need to precisely measure out small quantities of wax, the block will be a little more difficult to work with than pellets (see below).

Blocks or Chunks

Also, know that when you order a beeswax “block,” you might actually receive a bag of chunks.

Shouldn’t be a big deal as long as you’re getting the quantity you ordered in terms of weight. But first-time buyers are sometimes surprised to be getting chunks instead of a single block.

Stakich Blocks

beeswax blocks

I would consider Stakich blocks to currently offer probably the best combo of price, quality and seller reliability for beeswax blocks. Stakich has been in the “bee business” for a long time – nearly 100 years!

Stakich one-pound blocks and two-pound blocks both offer great value.

And if you go through a LOT of beeswax – or if you just want a really great per-pound price no matter how long it takes to use it – Stakich offers a very nice price break if you purchase in five-pound and  ten-pound quantities.

(In case you didn’t know, beeswax will last virtually forever as long as you store it in a cool, dry location.)

Beeswax Pellets

Stakich pure beeswax pellets

On average, beeswax pellets sometimes called beeswax pastilles tend to be a bit pricier than beeswax blocks – though not always.

But pellets are somewhat easier to work with.

(Note: Beeswax pellets are also often called “pastilles,” “pearls” or “prills.”)

Good For Precise Quantities

Measuring precise quantities is considerably easier with pellets; you just pour out what you need, rather than having to shave small, imprecise quantities from a block.

And pellets will also melt down faster and easier than chunks from a block.

I would recommend Stakich’s one-pound bag of beeswax pellets (or get a nice price break with the two-pound, five-pound or ten-pound bags.

Here is a link to the best organic yellow beeswax pellets and white.

Beeswax Sheets

Stakich candle making kit

The traditional method of making beeswax candles is by melting wax and pouring into molds, or dipping wicks into molten wax.

But an alternative, quick-and-easy method of to make beeswax candles is to use beeswax sheets.

The process is simplicity itself: simply roll a sheet of beeswax around a candle wick. You can find natural sheets or ones with different colors.

Candle Making

rolled candle making

Do these rolled candles look as elegant as beeswax candles made the old-fashioned way? Not quite.

But they have their own unique look. And they sure are easy to make!

And you get all the benefits of ‘normal’ beeswax candles: a unique, cheery-warm glow, clean burning, and a wonderful honey-like aroma.

Stakich offers a candle-making kit that includes 10 sheets of beeswax, six feet of wicking, and an instructional pamphlet. They also have a kit with 50 sheets for your bigger projects.

Beeswax Bars

beesworks 1 oz mini bars

If you need just a small amount of beeswax, check out these 1-ounce mini-bars.

They are sold for a VERY reasonable price!

And their small size makes them convenient and easy to use. Bars also come in different size depending on your needs.

What Are The Benefits of Beeswax?

There are so many benefits of using beeswax for your health, skin, and healing. It’s great in your cosmetics and skin care products, chapstick, in your candles and soap, etc. You can even eat it. It’s especially amazing for people with sensitive skin and allergies.

Beeswax Benefits For Your Skin and Hair

1. Hydrates and moisturizes skin – Beeswax is a humectant, meaning that it has a the ability to draw and retain water. It’s great for dry skin, eczema, chapped lips, and keeps your skin firm and plump.

2. Full of Vitamin A – Beeswax is vitamin-rich, which helps to regulate skin regeneration, reduce wrinkles, protect against UV rays, and protects cells from environmental irritants.

3. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral – Beeswax keeps your skin clean. It fends off bacteria, prevents infections, reduces itching, gets rid of and prevents fungal infections and jock itch, and is great for treating acne. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it will reduce swelling and pain.

4. Healthy, Shiny Hair – Beeswax moisturizes your hair, helping to heal dry and damaged locks. It’s also one of the best and safest waxes for shaping beards and moustaches. Women can use it to style hair too and tame flyaways and frizz. It’s possible it can promote hair growth too.

5. Heals Burns, Scars, Acne and Skin Damage – You can apply beeswax to your skin for minor burns, scars, acne, stretch marks, and other skin damage to heal your skin. It provides a protective barrier for your skin while still allowing your skin to breathe and exfoliates.

Beeswax Health Benefits

Many people eat beeswax. It’s loaded with vitamins, nutrients, and over 284 different compounds (like long-chain alkanes, acids, esters, etc.) and 100% safe to eat. Some people just chew it and spit it out.

You can eat the whole honeycomb with the honey in it. You’ll want a new comb though as they’re softer and fresher. This beeswax will be soft, sweet, and chewable like gum. Older combs get stiffer and are not as enjoyable to eat.

Eating Beeswax is:

  • Great for your immune system
  • Boosts energy
  • Protects the liver
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Relieves pain and inflammation
  • Improves sleep
  • Reduces swelling
  • Improves ulcers, hemorrhoids, diarrhea
  • Gets rid of hiccups
  • Relieves stress and promotes relaxation

It’s hard to find chunk honey or jars with pieces of the waxcomb in the honey nowadays. The best place to get edible beeswax is to connect with local beekeepers or get it from your own hive.

It’s important to note that children under 1 should not eat beeswax, just as it’s not safe for them to eat honey. Some people may be allergic to beeswax and should not consume it and people with compromised immune systems should consult their Dr first. And you should not overindulge, as it can lead to gastrointestinal issues in mass quantities.

Benefits of Beeswax DIY Products


Nothing compares to beeswax candles. They’re smokeless and have a longer burn time. They give off a honey scent, which no surprise is my favourite smell. They actually help to eliminate airborne pollutants (like bacteria, dust, allergens, and odors).

Why would you want to use anything but a beeswax candle?


I just love beeswax crayons. They have vibrant colours and are just as strong as regular crayons but there’s no paraffin, petrochemicals, or petroleum to worry about. They’re 100% natural.

Your child could eat or lick them and it would be completely safe (although not recommended). Many brands make wider, shorter crayons so they’re a better grip for little hands just learning to color and write.

They’re 100% natural and made from a renewable resources. So much better for the environment than your typical crayons.

How To Store Beeswax

Beeswax never goes bad, which is amazing! It’s soft and tacky so you’ll want to keep it in a cool dark place and wrapped ideally so that it doesn’t collect dust. Although many people store it at room temperature, or even in their shed (where it can handle fluctuating temperatures). Never store it in the fridge.

If you have large blocks, you may want to melt them down into smaller blocks just because it’ll be easier to store.

DIY Projects Using Beewax

What in the world do people do with beeswax? All kinds of things! Most things don’t require a lot of supplies either.

If you want more info on ways to use beeswax at home, then you might also be interested in these pages:

More Uses and Applications

  • Cosmetics and Lipstick
  • Finishing wood and polishing furniture
  • Body butters sometimes made with shea butter
  • Waterproofing boots, wood, clothing etc
  • Healing salves
  • Food wraps
  • Leather polish
  • Waterproofing agent and lubricant
  • Greasing cookie sheets
  • Modeling clay
  • Lubricating wood drawers/windows
  • Envelope seal
  • Mustache wax

What You Should Know About Beeswax Coloring

beeswax coloring

When you’re shopping for beeswax, you’ll find that it usually comes either in a natural golden-yellowish color, or a snowy, pure white color. (Not counting wax that has been intentionally dyed in many different colors.)

Here’s why…

Beeswax is secreted by worker bees from glands on the underside of their abdomens. When it is first produced by the honeybee, the flakes of beeswax are a snowy, almost translucent white. That’s the true natural color of beeswax.

But the beeswax doesn’t stay that pristine for long.

Changes Color Quickly

black brood comb

Once the wax is formed into honeycomb, it quickly becomes stained to a yellowish hue from pollen and the resins of propolis. The older a comb is, the darker it becomes.

And comb that is used for raising brood becomes even darker. Over years of use, brood comb will become nearly black.

So the age of the comb and how it was used in the beehive will impact the color of the rendered beeswax.

Older Combs

Beeswax taken from older combs will be very dark in color, even after impurities are strained out during the rendering process. But beeswax of that sort is rarely sold by retailers.

The very best quality of beeswax comes from the cappings that are cut off of combs of honey during the process of harvesting honey. This wax is usually not very old, and so it is not as stained.

In fact, capping wax can be very light in color if it’s removed from the hive shortly after the bees have sealed the comb.

Comb Honey

fresh comb honey

Take a look at the photo of comb honey from one of my hives. I took pains to remove it from the hive as soon as it was sealed, before thousands of bee feet walked over it. (Ain’t it purtee?!)

The cappings aren’t quite as pristine as they appear. A slight pocket of air trapped under the cappings makes them appear somewhat whiter than they really are.

And even if nothing but very fresh cappings like those shown in the photo are rendered down, the resulting wax would still have a slight yellowish tinge.

Pure Wax Isn’t White

So if you’re shopping for beeswax, know that if it’s pure, untreated wax, it will NOT be snowy white.

If you see blocks of beeswax that are white, you can be sure that it’s been treated in some way. Possibly treated with a chemical such as bleach; possibly pressure filtered.

There’s nothing wrong with using that kind of beeswax if it suits your purposes. But it’s not likely to have the sweet, delicate aroma of natural beeswax.

Buying Beeswax From Beekeepers

local beekeeper

Beeswax is most often sold in the form of beeswax blocks, beeswax pellets and beeswax sheets.

Not many small-scale beekeepers produce wax in the form of pellets or sheets. But your local beekeepers can be a great source of beautiful, fresh, golden beeswax blocks.

Sperry Beeswax is a great place to order blocks, they are family owned and been in the business since 1920 and offer free shipping on all orders.

Local Beekeepers

If you’re looking to buy beeswax blocks, try to find a local beekeeper to buy from.

And you’ll also be supporting your local beekeeping industry (which, of course, supports your local bees!).

Most states have beekeepers associations you can contact to try to find a local beekeeper. Some associations even have a listing of beekeepers available on their website.

To try to find a beekeeper in your area, you can go to Google and type in ‘yourstate beekeeper association.’

So if you live in Texas, for example, you’d do a search on “Texas Beekeeper Association.”

Beeswax Impurities

Though it is a completely natural substance, it is possible for beeswax to be tainted with impurities such as pesticide residues.

The bees can encounter pesticides while foraging, of course. But pesticides are also sometimes introduced into the hive intentionally by beekeepers to combat pests such as Varroa mites that can decimate a hive.

(Though when hives are treated according to guidelines, there should be no pesticides in the hive during honey harvest.)

It’s just something to be aware of – particularly if you plan on using the wax in a way in which it will contact food or be absorbed into the skin (such as making a lotion or balm).

If it’s a concern to you, you’ll want to buy cosmetic, organic or even pharmaceutical grade beeswax.

If you want the highest possible assurance of purity, you can buy pharmaceutical grade beeswax. Just be aware that you’ll pay a premium price for this grade of beeswax.

Learn More About the Different Varieties and Uses of Beeswax:

Video of How Beeswax Is Made

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